Real Magic Part 1: Visionary Theory

Real Magic Part 1: Visionary Theory

Growth in Consciousness Linked to the Paranormal The defining statement for the Visionary Fiction Alliance, What is Visionary Fiction?, highlights growth in consciousness as central to the development of theme and character in any VF story. That same article notes that VF authors “oftentimes use reincarnation, dreams, visions, paranormal events, psychic abilities, and other metaphysical…

No More Band Aids: A Visionary Fiction Author’s Rant – Jodine Turner

No More Band Aids: A Visionary Fiction Author’s Rant – Jodine Turner

“Life feels shitty right now. Life is leading us to a new and better way of living. I hate not seeing loved ones. I am so grateful for what I do have. I miss (fill in the blank).”

I started out this era of Covid feeling concerned, yet calm, philosophical, better future oriented. I still feel that way.

The Glossary as Editing Tool – Gerald R Stanek

The Glossary as Editing Tool – Gerald R Stanek

Editing is deconstruction and reduction; it’s creation by negation. It’s a completely different skill from the invention of story. Yet the modern author is expected to be their own editor. We must pick apart what we have spent months painstakingly assembling and say…no, never mind—not this, not that, this sentence is good, that one is…

Clarity in Visionary Fiction – Gerald R Stanek

Clarity in Visionary Fiction – Gerald R Stanek

A friend recently recommended I check out Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style, which I took as a not-so-subtle hint about my writing. This didn’t surprise me; clarity is one of the biggest problems facing any author. Despite the renown directive “write what you know”, we writers, being at least as…

Visionary Fiction: Rediscovering Ancient Paths to Truth – Reprint – Hal Zina Bennett
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Visionary Fiction: Rediscovering Ancient Paths to Truth – Reprint – Hal Zina Bennett

Editor’s note (Margaret Duarte): There has been a recent buzz around the genre of Visionary Fiction, mainly due to the efforts of Visionary Fiction Alliance. However, a person new to the scene claims to have coined the term and has inserted restrictive content into the definition that goes against all Visionary Fiction Alliance stands for:…

Introducing Meta-Visionary Fiction Part 2 – Gordon Kierle-Smith

Introducing Meta-Visionary Fiction Part 2 – Gordon Kierle-Smith

In the first article introducing Meta-Visionary Fiction two weeks ago, we briefly presented the multiple facets of Meta-Visionary Fiction and how its precepts were initially applied in Genesis Antarctica (GA) and now fully developed in Revelation Antarctica (RA). The concept behind the genre is to create works that are “as real as you need them…

Introducing Meta-Visionary Fiction Part 1 – Gordon Kierle-Smith

Introducing Meta-Visionary Fiction Part 1 – Gordon Kierle-Smith

As authors of Visionary Fiction, we all have our own take on the genre and how we go about enriching it with our own particular approach. However, all of these share a common purpose to go beyond mere “entertainment” and its various mind-numbing manifestations. This is writing with a purpose, designed to expand readers’ consciousness…

Finding Light Through Darkness in Dystopian Fiction – Part Two

Finding Light Through Darkness in Dystopian Fiction – Part Two

In part one of the dystopian book series, we discussed how tales like 1984 raised our collective consciousness to the horrors of totalitarian systems. If that’s true, why is it difficult for us to join together and articulate current events to lessons we’ve learned from the book? In my mid-twenties, I had the realization that…

Finding Light Through Darkness in Dystopian Fiction – Part One

Finding Light Through Darkness in Dystopian Fiction – Part One

I’ve seen a meme floating around on Facebook of a Euler diagram linking together a host of dystopian movies and novels to an ominous undisclosed location. It started popping up during the start of the pandemic. Comments about the meme varied, yet I got the sense that those who responded were bound together by a…

Fairy Tales, Memoirs, and Other Appalachian Mysteries – Guest Post – Grendolyn Peach Soleil

Fairy Tales, Memoirs, and Other Appalachian Mysteries – Guest Post – Grendolyn Peach Soleil

Fairy tales and memoirs share some common elements. They can develop reflective narratives for understanding the world we live in. They can explore the good and evil aspects of ourselves and others. Fairy tales and memoirs can express common emotions and universal experiences, and they can impart wisdom and deliver important messages. Both fairy tales…

Nourish the Mind with Visionary Fiction
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Nourish the Mind with Visionary Fiction

Visionary Fiction entertains, which is, after all, the main purpose of fiction as a literary form. But visionary fiction goes one step further; it nourishes the mind. Not all visionary fiction, though, nourishes the mind in the same way. Some novels in this category are profound and literary, others deceptively simple and straightforward. Visionary novels…

Rosa Mundi by Gerald R. Stanek (Excerpt)

Rosa Mundi by Gerald R. Stanek (Excerpt)

PROLOGUE Sunlight beamed in through the window, illuminating a slowly drifting universe of dust specks that otherwise would have remained entirely invisible. Margarethe watched them pass, these tiny motes and mites. Most were falling, to be ground indistinguishably into the dirt floor, but some were carried upward through the light and beyond. Margarethe thought how…

There is no courage in flirting with fear – Guest Post – Mitchell Davis

There is no courage in flirting with fear – Guest Post – Mitchell Davis

Editor’s note: This is a reprint of an enlightening article written from the heart by Mitchell Davis about his love of books and independent publishing. He is best known as the founder of BookSurge, the first publishing platform for print-on-demand books that was eventually sold to Amazon and became CreateSpace. Mitchell continues to pursue his…