Visionary Fiction

Ageless Wisdom Teachings Supplement What We Know

Ageless Wisdom Teachings Supplement What We Know

Too smart for ageless wisdom teachings? We don’t need wisdom teachings from the past to guide us on our journeys toward self-discovery, right? We have science. We have technological gadgets galore. We are so full of confidence, determination and eagerness to push forward that we hardly even read the instructions that come with our purchases and assignments anymore. As my granddaughter says when…

Special Offer on Works of Monty Joynes, VF Pioneer Author

Special Offer on Works of Monty Joynes, VF Pioneer Author

  Just today, Sept 4, 2013, I received the following email from Monty Jones, author of the classic Visionary Fiction Booker series (Naked into the Night, Lost in Las Vegas, Dead Water Rights), and I want to share his generous offer on what may be the final edition of his printed works with members of…

Global Ebook Honorable Mention for Carry on the Flame: Ultimate Magic

Global Ebook Honorable Mention for Carry on the Flame: Ultimate Magic

We all like to be acknowledged for our talents, for our creativity, for our accomplishments. Writers are no different. We get input from our critique groups, our beta readers, our agents, editors, and publishers. But we especially appreciate the feedback and reviews received from readers. We love to know if our book touched them, helped…

Billion $ Market for Visionary Fiction?

Billion $ Market for Visionary Fiction?

I write visionary fiction. Unfortunately, mainstream agents and publishers do not recognize visionary fiction as a genre. In fact, they have dubbed it “the kiss of death” with the flat of their swords. In the past, visionary fiction was heavy on preaching and light on storytelling, so it deserved temporary banishment to the time-out corner. But…

Unison by Eleni Papanou (Excerpt)

Unison by Eleni Papanou (Excerpt)

RESONANCE   First Incarnation   Time is relevant to sound. An infinite voice sings life into this universe, and I’m but one note resonating within this expanse of boundless potential. While that’s an easy abstraction to grasp, my own potential remains elusive. After eight parallel lifetimes I’ve been adrift somewhere between struggle and mastery, both…

Carry on the Flame: Destiny’s Call by Jodine Turner (Excerpt)

Carry on the Flame: Destiny’s Call by Jodine Turner (Excerpt)

from Book One Carry on the Flame: Destiny’s Call  by award winning, best-selling visionary fiction author Jodine Turner  The dayroom was full of idle chatter, some nonsensical, along with the monotonous blare of a morning television talk show. Cigarette smoke wafted upward, trapped by the closed and barred windows, as much prisoner as all the patients…

Relevance Of Visionary Fiction – Margaret Duarte

Relevance Of Visionary Fiction – Margaret Duarte

Margaret Duarte Before I explain what Visionary Fiction is, let me position it on a chart that shows the basic types of literature and genres. As you can see, rather than being a genre of its own, Visionary Fiction is a subgenre of Speculative Fiction, which makes it hard to categorize, and, although VF has…

Visionary Fiction – Light Carrier Of This Dark Age – Eleni Papanou

Visionary Fiction – Light Carrier Of This Dark Age – Eleni Papanou

Eleni Papanou I see visionary fiction as a timely genre and one of the light carriers of this dark age.  It’s the ideal counterbalance to western pop culture that seems to favor violent themes and images that permeate the whole media landscape. The present cycle will continue until a contrasting alternative presents itself. I see…

Visionary: Fiction of the Future – Saleena Karim
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Visionary: Fiction of the Future – Saleena Karim

(Note: This is a  slightly edited version of a blog post originally written for the VF web-ring under the title, The Place of Visionary Fiction in Today’s World and published March 2012) Saleena Karim According to one online dictionary, the meanings of the word ‘visionary’ include something characterised by foresight; fantasy and imagination; prophecy or revelation; and…

Visionary Fiction: Its Relevance in Today’s World – Jodine Turner

Visionary Fiction: Its Relevance in Today’s World – Jodine Turner

Jodine Turner Visionary Fiction speaks the language of the soul.It contains all the elements of modern storytelling yet there is a deeper layer, an archetypal level. This level invites a reader to personally undergo the mystical inner initiations that the book’s character experiences. Visionary Fiction not only entertains, it embeds esoteric wisdom and paranormal experiences…

Relevance of Visionary Fiction in Today’s World – Sandy Nathan

Relevance of Visionary Fiction in Today’s World – Sandy Nathan

Sandy Nathan Before talking about the relevance of visionary fiction in today’s world, we need a working definition of the term. Fiction is easy: it’s writing that’s made up. It doesn’t refer to the real or empirical world.  It’s imaginary. I think of writing fiction as the best way to tell the truth without getting…

Visionary Fiction Challenges Our Species to Evolve – Michael Sussman

Visionary Fiction Challenges Our Species to Evolve – Michael Sussman

Michael Sussman Human nature is not fixed. It has evolved over the course of millennia and is capable of further change. Is it overly grandiose to suggest that visionary fiction could help play a role in such a transformation? Most likely, but I shall nevertheless make the case. Visionary fiction overlaps with several better established…

Blog Blessings

Blog Blessings

The Founding Members of the Visionary Fiction Alliance invite you to join us in our blessings, our intentions, and our prayers for this site. You may envision us breaking a bottle of champagne over a ship’s hull. Or perhaps you see us cutting a shining golden ribbon with over-sized scissors. You might even imagine us…