In The Know … The VFA Calendar

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Yes, we’re a nosy bunch! We want to know what is happening in your writing career. When is your new book being released? Where are you appearing for book readings? Is there a book fair in your town/city?

So let’s check out the VFA Calendar.

The calendar is a great place to stop when you’ve logged in to see what’s happening that month and in the future.

By clicking the left/right arrows you scroll backwards and forwards in time, month by month.

Click “Jump Months” and you will be able to select a month and / or year to jump to.

You have likely noticed the “Reader Book Promo” on the first of every month. The “Reader Book Promo” is the book featured in the homepage pop-up that is given to new subscribers. We change out that book every three months. If you’re interested in offering one of your books for free to new subscribers, scan through the calendar until you see “Reader Book Promo: Subscriber Freebie: Available” and click the event. It’ll open up and click the Learn More link.

We want to be certain we have your new releases not only in the calendar but also in the store. Be certain to let us know the minute you know the date of your new release by clicking the “Add a New Release” button and filling out the form.

IS there a book fair in your town/city? Or a book meet? A reading by another author? Click “Add a Book-related Event” and tell us all about it.

Are you doing a reading? Are you off to receive an award for your writing? Let us know by clicking “Add an Engagement.”

If you have comments or questions, add them below or visit the Member Support page.

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