
Introducing Meta-Visionary Fiction Part 2 – Gordon Kierle-Smith

Introducing Meta-Visionary Fiction Part 2 – Gordon Kierle-Smith

In the first article introducing Meta-Visionary Fiction two weeks ago, we briefly presented the multiple facets of Meta-Visionary Fiction and how its precepts were initially applied in Genesis Antarctica (GA) and now fully developed in Revelation Antarctica (RA). The concept behind the genre is to create works that are “as real as you need them…

Introducing Meta-Visionary Fiction Part 1 – Gordon Kierle-Smith

Introducing Meta-Visionary Fiction Part 1 – Gordon Kierle-Smith

As authors of Visionary Fiction, we all have our own take on the genre and how we go about enriching it with our own particular approach. However, all of these share a common purpose to go beyond mere “entertainment” and its various mind-numbing manifestations. This is writing with a purpose, designed to expand readers’ consciousness…