Dayna Dunbar
Dayna Dunbar is a native Oklahoman who currently makes her home in Santa Monica, CA. She grew up in Yukon, a tightly knit farming and grain-milling town in Oklahoma where most folks were relatives or family friends. This small town experience and the people of her early life have influenced Daynas writing deeply. As a child, Dunbar loved to be outdoors in nature, play basketball, watch sports, and read bookslots of them. She discovered that reading could take her down country roads and across oceans to both simple and exotic places. Dayna received excellent remarks from teachers about her writing in school, but her humble surroundings combined with her own insecurity kept her from believing she could write her own stories. After a failure of courage as Sue Monk Kidd says about her own delay in beginning her writing life, Dayna studied media communications at the College of Santa Fe, a small liberal arts school in New Mexico.
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