
Real Magic Cover

Real Magic Part 2: Visionary Chronicle

[Part 2 of 3-part series based on the relationship between Dr. Dean Radin’s Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe and the theory and practice of Visionary Fiction.] As do several accomplished modern scientists, especially those involved with quantum theory, Dean Radin separates science as a…

Theosophy and Visionary Fiction, Part Two

Theosophy and Visionary Fiction, Part Two

[In Part One of this post, we discussed the similarities and differences between theosophy and theology, the two forms of theosophy (Blavatskyian with a capital-T and generic with a small-T), and that the spirituality prescribed by theosophy has the elements of universalism and perennialism in common with the definitions of Visionary Fiction.] Theosophy (Small-t) Proper…