Gerald R. Stanek

The Glossary as Editing Tool – Gerald R Stanek

The Glossary as Editing Tool – Gerald R Stanek

Editing is deconstruction and reduction; it’s creation by negation. It’s a completely different skill from the invention of story. Yet the modern author is expected to be their own editor. We must pick apart what we have spent months painstakingly assembling and say…no, never mind—not this, not that, this sentence is good, that one is…

Clarity in Visionary Fiction – Gerald R Stanek

Clarity in Visionary Fiction – Gerald R Stanek

A friend recently recommended I check out Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style, which I took as a not-so-subtle hint about my writing. This didn’t surprise me; clarity is one of the biggest problems facing any author. Despite the renown directive “write what you know”, we writers, being at least as…

Visionary Fiction’s  Role as Catalyst in the Evolving Human Mythos – guest post by Gerald R. Stanek

Visionary Fiction’s Role as Catalyst in the Evolving Human Mythos – guest post by Gerald R. Stanek

I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that those of us writing Visionary Fiction have had some sort of vision, be it a lucid dream, an unexpectedly successful meditation, a trip brought on by a substance outside the normal diet, or even a near-death experience. It may have lasted several hours, possibly…