Barbara Ann Briggs

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How Visionary Fiction Can Heal Our World – Barbara Ann Briggs

A Time of Transition Today, the world is witnessing a major upheaval and transformation in its functioning. It is a time of transition. The shell of the egg is cracking and a new way of perceiving life is emerging. The outdated world order based primarily on unlimited material advancement is being superseded by a collective…

The Birth of a Book of Visionary Fiction – Guest Post – Barbara Ann Briggs

The Birth of a Book of Visionary Fiction – Guest Post – Barbara Ann Briggs

When my feet first touched Indian soil in 1986, I felt as if I had finally found my home. Since that time, my destiny has led me back to India time and time again, first to study sitar in Shimla, then to study Sanskrit in Varanasi and then to live here continuously from 2001 until…