
Channelling as a Method of Creating Visionary Fiction – Elizabeth Beckett

I am always reluctant to describe myself as a writer, because although I have written 7 books and published 5, I didn’t really write them. Well, I was responsible for researching the material, typing them up, and publishing them, and of course I am the sole recipient of the royalties for the books, but did I think them up? I am still not sure.

I read blog posts and articles with interest about genres, book planning, plot & scene creation, characterization, and the like. As a conscious channel I have never done any of those things, and so could not take credit for being a true writer.

What is Conscious Channelling?

Conscious channelling can be applied to any and all professions by those who are consciously open to be inspired and led by energies and information outside of themselves. Doctors, teachers, preachers, metaphysical healers, mothers, accountants, writers, and even children going about their day may be working as conscious channels. It means that your consciousness is open to knowledge, inspiration, methodologies, and wisdom beyond what you have been taught or experienced in your lifetime. I realize this sounds spooky and I discuss my methods a little on my website under How I Work.

I hear my books. I do not plan any part of them. They start sneaking up on me years before I begin writing anything down. Then the nagging begins. At first I get suggestions, hints, and impressions about the relevant material. I become impelled to visit certain places around the world and begin desk research about nothing in particular. Then I start to receive clues and start to follow a particular way of thinking. A vision starts to build in my mind’s eye. If I take too long or start to detour the nagging gets louder.

I do not actually hear voices, it is more a sense of something—waves of energy as an impulse to start working. When I start working the energy is translated to information. The more information I download, the more is made available to me. I feel my books being communicated to me. I write at an incredible rate because I sense the work being transmitted to me word for word, chapter by chapter. I do not need to plan or pause during the creation process—it is as if the book has already been written in an alternate reality and I am simply downloading it.

I realize this method of creation—or channelling—is hard to believe and may make some people uncomfortable, but think of examples from your own life when your logic told you to do one thing and your instinct another. The impulse of our instinct is often illogical, but always right. When you drive out of your home and turn left for no particular reason when you usually turn right, only to discover later that there was a traffic jam on your usual route, what do you attribute that to? To sources of information outside of yourself to which we are always connected.

Channelling as a Visionary Art form

In my seventh book on the Knight’s Templar (not yet published) I go into significant detail on the quantum field and explain the energy and light-grids and structures that connect everything in the cosmos. It is far too complicated to discuss here, and better not to take these things out of context, but essentially everything is One. You already knew that. Channelling is one method of taking advantage of the access we all have to universal knowledge.

I have refined my channelling skills to the point where I can turn them on and off at will. Channelling is a skill that can be learned, and like any gift, the more you practice the better you will get.

The importance of this method to visionary fiction is that the end creation should resonate with a collective consciousness, not just with my own. Some authors do this unintentionally and their huge popularity is evidence that they are tapping into a group psyche or collective way of thinking—a particular level of consciousness. My books target people with a level of consciousness similar to my own. We need this information and collectively seek it. I just happen to be one person who has manifested it (as visionary books) in our physical reality. If I had not transmitted this information in, somebody else would have.

I present my books as fiction, but they are not fiction. Not to me anyway, and not to people whose truth is reflected in my work. It is most accurate to refer to my books as visionary fiction because a vision is as real as its beholder would like it to be. In fact it only exists because there is an audience for its manifestation. My books reflect my soul and my soul is part of a collective, and so they reflect many other souls’ vision as well.

It was impossible for me to conduct three-dimensional research or put together plans and plots for stories like the Angel Lucifer, the Atlantis continent, or the avatar Yeshua. I needed to rely on my feeling, a collective consciousness, and most importantly on my gift to channel. My book on Yeshua (Jesus the Christ) released in July 2017 was channelled to me faster than I could think all that stuff up. It is a good book and well written. I can’t write that well. Honestly I can’t. I personally believe it was the soul of Yeshua himself who translated the book to me, and is beyond my capabilities either creatively or in a literary sense.

Visionary fiction can be described as a literary art that enables the ascension of human consciousness. It is a metaphysical construct made manifest through books full of words that hold an energy—an imprint of universal consciousness.

I cannot take full credit for my work but I can take full responsibility for assisting with the creation of a vision, through books, that helps to raise world consciousness and bring enlightenment to those who seek it. One word at a time.

About the author

Elizabeth Beckett is an author and a mystic whose visionary and metaphysical books reveal deep and ancient truths about life. From the origin of humanity, through lost civilizations and continents, to the celestial realms, Elizabeth recreates history with spiritual poignancy and introduces startling new realities about life. Her previous titles include A Memory of Flight: the Story of Earth and Life (2011), I am Celtic: the story of Abathscantia and the Dragon Isles (2012), Lucifer: the Story of a Descended Angel (2015), and The Book of Life: the Ancient Egyptian Mysterie Schools (2015).

My Story is available now on Amazon in softcover and e-book formats, and a blog post about the novel is available here.

Visit Elizabeth’s website: elizabethbeckettbooks.com

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  1. Thanks, Elizabeth, for your post that looks more closely at channeling as a method of composition of visionary fiction. As a writer who generally works so differently—not bragging but my books usually take years—I am both curious about and skeptical of this form of “automatic writing” that puts words on the page without the godawful tedious process of straining them through the stubborn neurons of the brain. I don’t doubt it happens; I too luck out sometimes, just not for the whole book.
    I look forward to a lively discussion with other writers on this topic. If nothing else, I’m always looking for ways to try less hard—and not just in writing.

    1. Vic, I’m kind of in between here. I too took many years to write my VF novel, but one of the characters proved to be something of an exception; he was so easy to write it really was practically automatic. And I also felt like I was ‘remembering’ more than creating the characters and story line (for lack of a better word).

      With time I have come to understand better why this was the case (though I need not go into that here), and in fact it was this peculiar experience that compelled me to look for a suitable genre – which is when I had the good fortune of meeting those authors, and having those conversations which led to the founding of what is now the VFA.

  2. Beautiful post, Elizabeth. Thank you. Your books look intriguing. I, too, have been “kidnapped” by a story, my dĂ©but novel, The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman. It was an experience I never expected, but cherished. It was more of an inward experience for me–rather than harvesting from external sources–like hitting a vein of gold and following it, a discovery of my own infinite, cosmic consciousness that includes all aspects of being, a part of recognizing the I AM that knows no separation. I wish you much inspiration and peace in 2018. Keep being amazing!

  3. A lovely form of writing, Elizabeth. I find this sort of writing happens with me as well – although after having written five novels, I have learned that, for me, there is extreme value in developing my craft of writing. My m.o. is to write the first draft from the heart/soul/perhaps channelling. Then I get to work on revisions, bringing into play all the craft I’ve honed over the years. The inspired and maybe channeled pieces for me are the magic, and the craft is a muscle of developed and practiced skill that allows readers to become more fully engaged in my story.

    1. I like how you meld the two methods here, Jodine, Yes, that first draft can feel like automatic writing. Polishing all those words to perfection can feel like anything but.

  4. “The importance of this method to visionary fiction is that the end creation should resonate with a collective consciousness, not just with my own. ”

    Like Jodine, I can relate to this, as well, as I’m sure many other VF writers. Love what you said about assisting the story as opposed to taking full credit for your work For me, it was a growth process. I had to get over the ego part of myself, the “I’m the sole creator of my work” part. Submitting to the story as it is given to me is always a humbling experience. I’m also a songwriter. The process is the same, but the only difference is there’s an immediate sense of completion when the composition is finished. Great post!

  5. Elizabeth, thanks for sharing your experiences. This is a most interesting topic and I concur with the others who have said they can relate to some degree.

    As an aside, your ‘Lucifer’ has similarities with what the Indian poet-philosopher Iqbal wrote about the devil. Your work is on my reading list.

  6. What you call conscious channelling, Elizabeth, sounds like what our previous guest blogger, Janet Conner, calls Deep-Soul Writing or slipping into the “theta brain wave state.”

    Janet says, “Crossing the threshold between worlds is at the center of my spiritual life, my prayer life, my deep soul writing life, my reading life, my professional writing life, my teaching, and even my relationships. Everything pours through that round open door. All I have to do is recognize and serve the sacred flood.”

    As with Vic, I have trouble recognizing and serving the sacred flood. Too much of a control freak, I guess. But, at times, while walking or driving or blow-drying my hair, I get lucky. Then I write like mad and some truly good and surprising “stuff” bubbles forth. Conscious channelling? I’d like to think so.

    Your definition of Visionary fiction is a good one: “…a literary art that enables the ascension of human consciousness. It is a metaphysical construct made manifest through books full of words that hold an energy—an imprint of universal consciousness.”

    Thank you for your contribution to the VFA.

  7. Hello everybody,
    Thank you for your comments. I will definitely follow up on some things in time.
    How you describe your writing processes makes me relieved that I do not refer to myself as ‘a writer’–except at dinner parties when I can’t very well tell people I am a conscious channel…
    I am currently reading War & Peace by Tolstoy and in this giant of a novel that was clearly well researched and not easy to put together the author sometimes reveals flashes of philosophical inspiration quite outside of the story-line. So I think most literary creators (besides me) use a combination of honed talent and more organic inspiration.

  8. Hi Elizabeth,
    Thanks for the mind-watering article. Most mornings I receive some idea about what to write that day or a solution to a book problem or a brainstorm that I could never ‘think up’ myself. Then life happens, the day job, the squeezing in an hour or two to write. Now I wonder with the right space could I allow myself to continue that morning channel moment into the actual writing? The answer for me won’t come until retirement and open space in a few years, but thank you for the inspiration to experiment with channeling more when the time comes. The Book of Life has been on my list for a while; it’s time to go for it.

    And thanks everyone else for those insights about the balance of channelling to conscious writing in your process.

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