Time Blade – Latest Release in AJI Series – P. Christina Greenaway

We are pleased to announce that the publication of Brad Swift’s excerpt from his novel is both the first post at our new site, and also the 300th VFA article since we started it all way back in 2012. Serendipity! Thank you to all our regular and guest writers for making this possible. Share this……
“Buen Camino!” These words offer wishes of good fortune to travelers of the Camino, or ‘The Way,’ – a pilgrimage on the Compostela de Santiago trail that runs from southern France through northern Spain. A friend from my writing critique group recently invited me to trek this 500 mile path with her. I was excited…
Some authors find their focus in their childhood. It’s something they know they’re born to do. Not me. I was a late bloomer—a seed stuck beneath a thick layer of earth. Something kept the water supply from reaching me. For many years, I pondered if there was something wrong with the way my brain functioned. Turns…
Where do the ideas and visions that eventually become complex cities and timeless books come from? I don’t know actually—how to blunt a piece from the get-go! However, I do know that they first show up as blip of light barely large and lasting enough to evoke a “What the heck was that?” It gets a smidge of our attention before it flicks on by.
A Two Part Entreaty by V. M. Franck Part One – The White Rose Society Is there such a thing as pure and perfect love, and if so, how do we find it? I’ve been told that within the heart of each of us glows a white flame. When the flame expands in pure and…
Have you ever thought about the power of place, of setting, in writing your novel? The setting in most novels is nonspecific. Meaning that, while setting itself is important, the specificity of the setting is oftentimes not. The high school romance between Bella and Edward in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight could have begun in any modern…
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Your story sounds intriguing. It would be nice if you could bring them all to life to save us from ourselves. I’d like to be better able to write that kind of book. I’m working on it. Congratulations on bringing it to fruition.
Thank you, V.M. I look forward to reading your world-saving book!
Well done, Christina! Your book sounds lively, intriguing, and poses interesting questions. It might make a wonderful film. What a life you are living. I wanna hear more about that frog farm! God bless you.
Thank you, Robin. My life purpose changed after I read “The Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yolanda. I wanted to know and feel the kind of love he felt for his Teacher. I explore this student-teacher relationship in Time Blade, and I found it to be the love above all others. Do you still think Hollywood will come calling?
I agree with Robin. It sounds like a movie in the making. Best of luck!
Thank you, Eleni. You are a most kind and encouraging person.
Another creative journey begins! Congratulations my dear friend.