Relevance Of Visionary Fiction – Margaret Duarte
Margaret Duarte Before I explain what Visionary Fiction is, let me position it on a chart that shows the basic types of literature and genres.

As you can see, rather than being a genre of its own, Visionary Fiction is a subgenre of Speculative Fiction, which makes it hard to categorize, and, although VF has been around for a long time – think shaman stories of ancient times, most agents, publishers and big book buyers don’t recognize it as a genre or subgenre. That said, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Christian/Spiritual Fiction are also subgenres of Speculative Fiction, which doesn’t make them any less popular with agents, publishers, booksellers, and fans. So what, exactly, is Visionary Fiction? In its simplest terms, VF is what John Algeo calls “a modern and sophisticated version of the fairy tale.” And, according to W. Bradford Swift, what separates VF from other speculative fiction is intention. Besides telling a good story, VF enlightens and encourages readers to expand their awareness of greater possibilities. It helps them see the world in a new light and recognize dimensions of reality they commonly ignore. In a world riddled with fear, misunderstanding, and lost hope, I believe there are people prepared to transcend the boundaries of their five senses and to open to new thoughts and ideas. In other words, I believe the audience is ready for fiction that heals, empowers, and bridges differences. That’s why I write Visionary Fiction, and that’s why I joined the talented visionary writers at Visionary Fiction Alliance to promote a genre whose time has come.
Love the flow chart! I agree about the key to identifying VF being its intent. And your final passage is spot on: "I believe the audience is ready for fiction that heals, empowers, and bridges differences."
That's exactly why I personally gravitate to VF.
Great flowchart! Thanks for making it so easy to understand. Sounds like a lot of fun to write visionary fiction, too.
Hi Jackie. I'm glad the flowchart helps. I can't help but write VF. I contemplated writing romance, but couldn't get past square one. You have historical romance perfected to the point where I can't put it down. I learn something new every time I read your work.
I, too, see VF as a sophisticated fairytale and also love your flow chart. I like how you depict the reader transcending their thoughts to absorb new ideas as well. That's why I love to read and write VF.
Love and light,
Thanks, Saleena. Here's to embracing fiction that satisfies our deep longing for connection with the supernatural forces that co-exist with the natural.
wow – I like your chart – the visual helps put things in context! I like how you talked about VF being a modern version of the fairy tale! And I agree that VF's time has certainly come as a genre. ..I would even go so far as to say that it is its own genre, not even under the umbrella of speculative fiction.
As you so eloquently said, I also am proud to be a part of the talented VF writers at the VFA – brought together by a common passion for VF, even amidst our rich diversity of perspectives..
Thanks, Eleni. Yes, for readers to get a full appreciation of VF, their willingness to transcend preconceptions and absorb new ideas is a must. Here's a definition of VF I came up with that underscores this: Visionary fiction opens the door to the space between, where questions serve as stepping-stones along winding paths that circle back to a starting point, leaving the reader changed.
Hi Jodine. I so agree, VF deserves recognition in its own right. And I believe, given time and the common passion of a growing number of visionary fiction writers, it will. As far as genres go, the chart is just that, a visual to try to put things in context. VF is hard to peg or categorize, a fact made clear by all the previous posts on this site. I, too, am proud to be part of this talented group.
I really like how you have laid this out and given this form of story telling due respect in the world of literature. The chart certainly shows how this form of writing gets lost in the many genres. It deserves its own category and I believe the public is ready for it.
What a blessing Visionary Fiction bestows! Our world is hungry for encouragement and yearning for enlightenment. I love the way you describe the reader as changed by the written word in this genre.
Margaret, this chart is invaluable. Seeing it, I now understand just how important it is to not only know your genre, but be able to articulate how your book serves that genre. Me? I'm happily sitting out in non-fiction. I wonder if there are sub genres for that. Must be.
Hi Janet. Though you write non-fiction, you are most definitely a visionary writer. Best of luck with the release of your new book, Lotus and the Lily, in October 2012.
Visionary Fiction is something that is hard to recognize. I've found it often is mistaken for Paranormal, because there often is unexplained elements to the story. Until Margaret started to explore this genre, and introduced me to it, I didn't know there was name for it. I've found I've read visionary without realizing it. There is a great story like any fiction, with a unique element of soul searching that goes beyond the norm.
Hi Lee. You're right. Often we're reading visionary fiction without realizing it. As pointed out in previous posts on VF, sometimes it overlaps other genres and therefore gets categorized in different ways. When I read books by Dean Koontz, who is categorized under horror, I think, in many ways, his writing is visionary.
Hi Susan. I'm glad the chart helps show how VF can get lost in genre lineup and at the same time how deserving it is of its own category. Thanks so much for stopping by and for leaving a comment.
Hi Debra Mae. It's good to hear someone outside the visionary fiction genre say the world is hungry for encouragment and yearning for enlightenment. It is a universal need, and we, as VF writers, hope to do all we can to help fill that need.
Wow. This is great. Simple, straightforward, and I finally understand it. Thanks!
You're welcome, Rosi. I'm glad this post helped you understand VF. Thanks for stopping by.
Oh Margaret, I really like the black and white setup in your blog. It is clean and sharp to read, and information is great. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Dorothy. I like the crispness and simplicity if this site as well, a great backdrop for what we hope is and will continue to be great information.
Thanks, Margaret, for the enlightening chart and for the concept of fiction that heals.
You're so welcome, Michael. I like your profile photo. Shows great attitude!
Yes, it's a self-portrait taken by a black macaque who stole the camera from a wildlife photographer!
Very nice explanation, sister – I love visual depictions! Paired with your description, I now have a better understanding of VF. Thank you for making it so clear!
I know you are a visionary in your choice of fiction and non-fiction, sis. Support – and demand – from readers such as you are the key to our future success. Help us spread the word.
Nice chart! Sometimes explanations help. Pat
Thanks, Pat. I'm glad it helped explain something that is even confusing to us visionary fiction writers.
Your chart is so simple and yet, a self-explanatory-revelation,finally, for all of us who write Visonary Fiction in the genre of Speculative Fiction. Thank you. I knew there must have been a term or category for what inspires me. I am forwarding this message to you with pleasure and will then stop by your submission guidelines to see how I may forward my writings. Best regards, Eeva Bomba, January 22.2013
I'm glad you've found a home with us at VFA, Eeva. I look forward to getting to know you.