Interview with Theresa Crater by Ellis Nelson
Theresa Crater and I are both members of the Visionary Fiction Alliance and that’s where I became aware of her work. A short blurb introducing her novel, called The Star Family, convinced me I had to read her book. Who could resist this?

“Whoever holds the key decides the future of humanity…
Jane Frey is furious about her unceremonious firing. Facing a bleak future in her fifties, her life takes an unexpected turn as she inherits an English Tudor mansion. But when mysterious nighttime chanting leads her to a secret chamber, she becomes entangled in a clandestine society with unsettling aims…
After uncovering more about her family bloodline, she’s removed from the ancient property. But her mind won’t let her move on. She’s haunted by an enigmatic song repeating in her head, and she follows the tune deeper into a dark, global conspiracy…
Can Jane keep the music and humankind alive, or will the final note end in bloodshed?
The Star Family is a captivating metaphysical mystery. If you like slow-burn thrillers, Christmas adventures, and fiction that turns history on its head, then you’ll love Theresa Crater’s gripping novel.”
I couldn’t resist. Immediately, I was drawn into the mystery. Jane Frey was raised in the Moravian tradition, one of the oldest Protestant denominations dating back to the 15th Century. But she knows precious little about their history or esoteric beliefs. I welcomed the opportunity to learn about this group right along with Jane. We also encountered Masons, sacred geometry, Tantric sex, and an exploration of Prague (medieval headquarters to all things alchemical). Yum! Theresa’s novel is original and fast moving. Join me as I delight in talking with her about her novel.
Welcome Theresa! Thanks for spending some time today talking about your book.

Can you talk a little about what inspired you to write this book? I know you have Moravian roots.
I was at the International New Age Trade Show with my partner Stephen Mehler, who was going to be videoed about his new book, and I saw a book called William Blake’s Sexual Path to Spiritual Vision. I love Blake and who wouldn’t pick up a title like that? On the first page it said that Blake’s mother had been a Moravian. On top of that, it said that she was a member during the 1740s when the group was teaching metaphysics and sacred sexuality. They were connected to the Rosicrucians. The Templars had a metal forge in the very alleyway they were located in. All my metaphysical sensor alarms went off. I was stunned. I was raised Moravian and had never heard of such a thing. I could just imagine my grandfather’s reaction! Why was I never told about all this? I had to research it further.
In what ways are you like your main character, Jane Frey? How are you different?
Jane and I were both raised Moravians in Winston-Salem, NC. I used my family tree to fill out names in the book, plus famous Moravians. She’s named after my grandmother and great grandmother. We both studied music, but ended up doing different things. We were both somewhat disillusioned older women. (I was warned not to have an older protagonist, but women in their 50s and 60s buy tons of books. We deserve a face in a book.) Jane and I both have a spiritual bent.
But Jane is good at math and went into finance. I became a meditation teacher, then ran out of money and got an advanced degree in literature. I retired from teaching literature and creative writing at the university level, but still teach part-time. I also do meditation classes occasionally. Jane fell in love with her high school sweetheart, a romance cliché I indulged in for the novel. She also moved back home. I still live in Colorado.
There are elements of the story that involve the idea of fate. How do you view fate operating (or not operating) in our lives?
I believe we come into each life with a purpose. We’re here to learn something, do something, and most importantly, embody full consciousness—as much as we can. The universe is alive and interacts with us constantly to give us feedback and help us stay on course. That is fate, messages sent to us from Universal Mind through the world around us and inside us, too—that small, quiet voice of our intuition. But if we get off course or don’t accomplish our mission, the universe doesn’t hold it against us. God, if you will, doesn’t judge. God is besotted with us and all of creation. Since we are not really separated from Universal Mind, there is really no problem. That’s hard to remember when we experience the difficulties of this world, but this is a spiritual training ground, like the Temperance card in Tarot.

I found the Moravian belief system fascinating. Could you briefly outline how their ideas differed from other Protestant groups?
The Moravians were the first Protestant group, one hundred years before Luther. We came from John Hus (1369-1415), a Catholic priest who criticized the corruption in the church of his day. He was against selling indulgences and denying the laity the ability to drink from the chalice during communion, among other things. He preached in Czech, not Latin, in Prague. After his martyrdom, a movement continued his teachings and that grew into the Moravian Church.
Comenius was a bishop of the church, and he went to college with Johann Valentin Andreae, who wrote the Rosicrucian manifestos of 1616. You can see I used Andreae’s name in the book. My master mystic is Valentin. So the Moravian Church was deeply connected to that metaphysical revival. This group tried to get the Holy Roman Emperor out of Prague and replace him with a Rosicrucian leader. This was Frederick V from what is now Germany who married the King of England’s daughter, Elizabeth (not the queen). They were going to found an ideal society, but he is called the Winter King because the Thirty Years War began immediately and he was overthrown.
Comenius also advocated for universal education—boys and girls. He didn’t think memorization was a good way to learn and thought play was important. No harsh punishments of children.
These days, Moravians are ordinary Protestants for the most part. In the 1740s, Count Zinzendorf’s teachings had a much more metaphysical bent. What I found most fascinating was his teaching that the body has been redeemed, that there is no sexual shame, and that sex was not only for procreation, but could be used almost as a meditation. These sound so ordinary today, but I think we still suffer from body shame. Zinzendorf was a visionary. I realized that I could have had a thorough metaphysical education without leaving home if the church hadn’t repressed these teachings.
One thing that I really love is our motto: “In essentials unity. In nonessentials liberty. In all things love.” We don’t believe in forcing our beliefs on people, but in dialogue. That’s why the Moravians were the most successful missionaries, not that I really approve of missionaries. We were also pacifists up until the twentieth century.
All the history in The Star Family is based on fact. I have speculated, but from solid information. All of what happens in this novel is within the realm of possibilities. Except perhaps the ending, but even that—who can say?

What was the most fascinating part of the research you must have undertaken to produce the book? Did you travel to any of the locales Jane visits in the book?
The whole thing captured my heart and mind. I discovered that a Moravian minister had written his dissertation about this time period and Zinzendorf’s teachings. He has inspired others to research it and write about it. I was so nervous writing to a minister of our church. My memories of it were the 1950s when things were quite straight-laced. Earlier, my grandfather would pinch my father if he moved around too much in church. To discover we were so cool and ahead of our times really flipped my switch, so to speak.
Then Stephen and I traveled to Prague to view the Moravian roots, and then on to Herrnhut, Germany, where the church was reestablished on Count Zinzendorf’s estate after the Thirty Years War scattered everyone to the four winds. To go to a place I’d heard about all my life, to walk through their God’s Acre, which is the graveyard, and see names I recognized from my family tree, was marvelous.
The idea of vibration, especially in the form of music, plays a crucial role in Jane’s story. To write those scenes, I imagined you had to have some musical training and a love for music. Is that the case?
The Moravians are quite musical, so I grew up with brass bands and the choir, plus lots of singing in church. Our hymns are unusual with lots of harmonies that I think create a vibratory field that induces peace and raises consciousness. The first time I transcended was listening to Bach. I sang in the children’s and adult choir. Every Easter Sunday, the brass band played at the street corner to wake up the Moravians to come to the Easter Sunrise Service. Brass bands play at many occasions. I was a music major for one semester, but theory was my downfall, so I switched. But I did go to college with a person who became a prominent sound healer.
Everything is vibration. Correct and purify the vibratory frequency, and you have harmony and healing. Sound is a good way to meditate. In my meditation training, the mantra was a sound, not a word with meaning. We followed the sound until it disappeared into the Transcendent.
As a writer of visionary fiction, what do you hope readers gain through your work?
Besides being entertained, a deeper understanding of spirituality and spiritual teachings. I hope that they see their own experience reflected on the page and they’ll go, “Yes, I know that. I’ve felt that. So it’s real.”

Moravian stars
What’s your next project?
I’m working on the fourth of the Power Places series. The crystal key holders are called back to Peru to prepare Akakor for the return of the Old Masters, but of course, sinister occult forces try to stop them. One of the characters from the first book, Under the Stone Paw, reappears, the Mayan priestess Maria.
Thanks for asking me to join you. It’s been a pleasure.
Visit Theresa at
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Facebook: Author page
Amazon Author Page:
Thanks for having me, Ellis!
My pleasure! I learned so much through the book and the interview. Thanks.
Thanks for having me.
Good interview, interesting questions and answers!
I’ve read The Star Family and really enjoyed it – as I have all of Theresa’s novels.
It’s so interesting to pull from our ancestral spiritual roots – especially when as you began writing, you didn’t realize how deep they went with the Moravian. You had the wonderful opportunity to visit physical places related to that ancestral history. An author’s journey of discovery!
You said: “today, but I think we still suffer from body shame” I so agree. The body is often seen as a mere piece of clothing; not as a holy vessel in and of itself. That’s the great thing about VF – we get to examine and discover new truths.
Thanks, Jodine. It was such a pleasure to travel to Prague and Hernhutt. I never realized Prague was so steeped in metaphysical history.
Ellis and Theresa, thank you for the fascinating interview! I don’t know much about the Moravians, and love that they engaged in holistic practices long ago, unlike the religious movements of their time. It makes so much sense to use sound to harmonize the body/mind, and also to lift ourselves in frequency, and not expect God to do it for us. I’ve been meaning to read The Star Family, and now I must get to it!
Thanks, Robin. I was quite surprised to discover this thread in the tapestry of my ancestry. What a gift.
‘The Star Family’ by Theresa Crater has caught my attention, especially because of the theme of ancestral wisdom woven into the story line. Elements of the metaphysical & unexpected together with a Christmas adventure and more. I’m intrigued!
Thanks, Deborah. I was amazed to discover this material.
Could this Moravian backdrop be more enticing? So interesting in that, unlike Dan Brown, it actually explores the consciousness behind and surrounding the story, while still providing a fascinating history. I visit friends in Bethlehem, PA with some frequency, and there is great Moravian presence in that charming historic town. I will delve deeper next time. Thanks so much, Ellis and Theresa, for a fascinating blog.
Thanks, Rea. Bethlehem is one of the two original Moravian settlements that survived. Dr. Craig Atwood critiqued my novel and gave me a blurb. He did his dissertation on this time in Moravian history and now teaches at Moravian College in Bethlehem. Paul Peucker, who is head of the Moravian Archives in Bethlehem, wrote his own history of this period. It was something only the ministers knew about, but now has “come out of the closet.”
Excellent interview, Ellis, and fascinating to learn more about Theresa, one of our staunchest VFA members. Also some interesting co-incidences with your story. I bought a copy of William Blake’s Sexual Path to Spiritual Vision a few years back while researching sexual mysticism, which I still hope to work into one of my novels. Also I grew up in Easton, PA, down the road from Bethlehem and remember the Moravian community and college although we were part of a Catholic-related commune with sort of Amish/Communist leanings. Hah, don’t ask!
BTW this interview caught me in need of a good novel, so I hit the button and bought the ebook. I look forward to relishing it.