
In Wilderness Lies the Hope of the World – Jodine Turner

I have published articles about the coronavirus and the role of Visionary Fiction in catalyzing sacred and transformational visions. Our visions serve to “imagine a world as we can dream it to be.” There are many paths to bring our visions to life through this coronavirus portal. Each of us carries a unique piece for the new creation.

Working with nature is one essential method in moving forward.

In wilderness lies the hope of the world.

Between every two pines there is a doorway to a new world.

~ John Muir

The Native American elders and grandmothers, those indigenous peoples such as the Hopi and Lakota, as well as numerous other ancients such as the Mayans, have prophesied a golden age for humanity. It is birthing now. They say our connection with nature is a vital part of that change. They warn that we can’t ignore nature, and how if we do so, it is at our own peril. We and the earth—nature and the land we live upon—are one.

Forest sceneCollaborating with nature can be a source of wisdom, earth magic, and deep guidance in how to transition into a new and better reality. Taking walks in a forest cathedral, sitting beside the murmuring ocean, being still and receptive amidst the flowers and plants in your own garden, and moon-bathing, can all be ways of tuning into the nature that we are all a part of and that provides sagacious guidance.

The VFA claims that “Visionary Fiction emphasizes the future and envisions humanity’s transition into evolved consciousness.” My Goddess of the Stars and the Sea series feature a young priestess who is reincarnated in four different lifetimes, during critical junctions in human history, to help the transition into the next phase of human evolution. One of the things all the novels have in common are storylines that show us how to work with nature and the land we live upon.

There are the languages of root and leaf, of field and stone, of seaweed and salt. These are words whispered in our ears by the land as if by a lover, the languages which tell us that we and the land are one.

~ Sharon Blackie.

My first novel, The Awakening: Rebirth of Atlantis, takes place during the demise of Atlantis that occurred through the misuse and disrespect of the earth’s magnetic energies. Our young priestess was one of six star races who subsequently and courageously carried the seeds of Atlantis wisdom to all corners of the planet. Her corner was the misty, magical Isle of Avalon.

In The Keys to Remember, we see how this same young priestess, reborn, helps us move through the dark ages where the wisdom, nurturance, and power of the feminine who works with the mysteries of nature, was vilified, demonized, and suppressed. This priestess’s most potent inspirations come when she communes with the earth during the sacred celebrations of seasonal changes called the turning of the ‘Wheel of the Year’—specifically for her, the early summer fertile festival of Beltaine.

In The Hidden Abbey, this same priestess is reincarnated in the 1600s during religious and social revolutions, and then is reborn again in today’s turbulent world. Her priestess initiations occur during moments of celebrating the Summer Solstice in the ‘Wheel of the Year.’ The Hawthorn tree features as a mystical pathway of communion with the spirits of nature. The high Faery folk, our cousins in a realm parallel to ours, have a prominent role in showing us the redemptive wisdom of the land through their close connection with nature.

Carry on the Flame series by Jodine TurnerMessages of wisdom and hope, and practical tips in how to move through the dark and bleak times humanity faces, are embedded throughout my other novels as well, Carry on the Flame: Destiny’s Call, and Carry on the Flame: Ultimate Magic. The festivals of Beltaine (early summer) and Imbolc (late winter), white flowered hawthorn blossoms, magical apple orchards, the misty land of Avalon, all initiate our young priestess into her true empowerment.

Even the most brilliant scientists of our time knew nature was our powerful ally and carrier of redemption. Albert Einstein said, “Look deeper into nature and you will understand everything better.”

The late, talented John Denver composed and sang a most incredible song for our world called Healing Time on Earth.

In what ways do you work with nature to create a new and better reality?

Hearing the voices of trees puts life into perspective. Knowing the rhythm of a stone helps me slow down and tune into a Deeper Wisdom that guides me through my life.

~ Clea Danaan

The earth has music for those who listen.

~ William Shakespeare

Trees are my temples and forests are my cathedrals.

~ Mikhail Gorbachev

Hippocrates quote


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  1. “Collaborating with nature can be a source of wisdom, earth magic, and deep guidance in how to transition into a new and better reality. Taking walks in a forest cathedral, sitting beside the murmuring ocean, being still and receptive amidst the flowers and plants in your own garden, and moon-bathing, can all be ways of tuning into the nature that we are all a part of and that provides sagacious guidance.” Well said, Jodine. I, too, write about this in my book series. Amazing how we approach this wisdom via different stories with different characters. As does John Denver via song. So inspirational.


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