The Impact of Visionary Fiction on the Real World – W. Bradford Swift

The Impact of Visionary Fiction on the Real World – W. Bradford Swift

I asked myself a question recently: Can a book of fiction make any significant difference in the real world in which we live? I didn’t get around to asking that question until after thirty years of being a professional author and having published a couple of dozen books. Still, my perspective on writing began to…

Dayna Dunbar

Dayna Dunbar

[row] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [gap height=”50px”] [title style=”bold-center” text=”Join My Email list”] [/col] [col span=”8″ span__sm=”12″] [block id=”9049″] [/col] [/row] [row] [col span__sm=”12″] Dayna Dunbar is a native Oklahoman who currently makes her home in Santa Monica, CA. She grew up in Yukon, a tightly knit farming and grain-milling town in Oklahoma where most folks…

Moon Magic by Dion Fortune – A Visionary Fiction Alliance Book Review by Theresa Crater

Moon Magic by Dion Fortune – A Visionary Fiction Alliance Book Review by Theresa Crater

Many people are familiar with Dion Fortune as a spiritual teacher in the Western Metaphysical Tradition, the founder of Fraternity of the Inner Light (later re-named the Society of the Inner Light). She was born Violet Mary Firth in Wales in December of 1890. Dion Fortune showed psychic abilities as a child, and later reported…

Christmas Special offer from debut sci-fi author Mark Dowson

Christmas Special offer from debut sci-fi author Mark Dowson

ReCo2gnition-Oxygen Debt is available now for only £1.19 ($1.47) in ebook format from Amazon US and UK. The book is also discounted by 25% in softback at Book Depository. If you’ve already bought a copy from Amazon, do please upload a review. A few select reviews of this book also appear below. Best Wishes and I…

How – and why – was this book written?
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How – and why – was this book written?

Ever since beginning to write while still a teenager (rather too many decades ago), the process was always very much a partnership. The concepts, frameworks and key elements seemed to appear unannounced. Sometimes at very inconvenient moments! In recent years, this phenomenon has become even more marked, particularly with the latest book which has taken…

Excellent! The Lighter Side of Visionary Fiction
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Excellent! The Lighter Side of Visionary Fiction

One of Keanu Reeves’ best known movie franchises is also an unacknowledged visionary tale. Its heroes are thoroughly ordinary individuals who learn they are destined to change the future of humanity. The story touches on human potential, defeating a materialist and meaningless existence (as symbolised in a battle against artificial intelligence), and overcoming death. But…

Writing From My Soul To Yours – Albert C Moore

Writing From My Soul To Yours – Albert C Moore

Introduction I first felt compelled to write a book in 2002. It was originally conceived to be a memoir. That felt overwhelming. Writing seemed slow and laborious; frightened, I couldn’t begin. I’d identified as an architect and urban designer for decades. Drawings were my primary mode of communication. A professional editor suggested I write fiction….

Journey of the Consciousness – Neil Perry Gordon

Journey of the Consciousness – Neil Perry Gordon

During the writing of my novel, The Righteous One, my eighty-three year old father suddenly passed away. This heart-wrenching event shifted my intention from what started out as a lighthearted adventure story into an exploration of the connection between our physical body and our eternal consciousness or soul.  The plot of The Righteous One focuses on…

Finding Purpose by Writing in the Shadows – Andrzej Barski

Finding Purpose by Writing in the Shadows – Andrzej Barski

I don’t believe in coincidences. I’m much more inclined to imagine there’s a reason for things, a bigger picture. And that includes why we’re alive. It’s not a new idea, of course. Aristotle wrote that we all have purpose and the meaning of life is to try and attain that purpose. We’re still trying to…

The Birth of a Book of Visionary Fiction – Guest Post – Barbara Ann Briggs

The Birth of a Book of Visionary Fiction – Guest Post – Barbara Ann Briggs

When my feet first touched Indian soil in 1986, I felt as if I had finally found my home. Since that time, my destiny has led me back to India time and time again, first to study sitar in Shimla, then to study Sanskrit in Varanasi and then to live here continuously from 2001 until…

Promoting Your Visionary Fiction Title in Goodreads Lists

Promoting Your Visionary Fiction Title in Goodreads Lists

The Goodreads Lists feature is a great way to raise awareness of your books among readers they will appeal to. Let’s say you’ve written a visionary science-fiction novel with a strong female lead character. Readers who’ve enjoyed other sci-fi or visionary novels with a memorable female lead are more likely than the average reader to…

Spirited Away

Spirited Away

Awakening Alchemy is the over-arching theme of my blog series, which is one of the visionary concepts I’ll talk about a little later. As for Spirit of Prophecy, it’s a metaphysical and visionary crime mystery featuring Rosetta Barrett from the Psychic CID, who works undercover for the Elite Paranormal Intelligence Services [EPIS], but perhaps the…

Tips and Tricks for Book Promotion, Part 1
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Tips and Tricks for Book Promotion, Part 1

If writing and publishing our books is one of the most exciting things we do; then getting them sold is frequently the most challenging. We’ve spent months toiling over words, plot, and character; fixing pacing problems and plot conundrums.  Then we, have a great cover designed and a gorgeous interior layout. We get out books…

Serendipity Happens and Visionary Fiction
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Serendipity Happens and Visionary Fiction

KEY TO VISIONARY FICTION AS A GENRE Here’s a few of my thoughts, feelings, and experiences with the newly emerging genre of Visionary Fiction.  For me Visionary Fiction is Soulful writing. Why?  Because this type of writing emerges from  a very deep place within the author.  I know from personal experience.  Its writing requires an open heart, open mind–so very open that one…