Ken Wilber

Visionary Fiction and the Science of Consciousness , Part 2

Visionary Fiction and the Science of Consciousness , Part 2

Undercover Agents of Consciousness To read or revisit Part One of this series, click HERE. Like researchers venturing beyond the known and allowed boundaries of sanctioned science, visionary authors often strike radioactive material that incites incredulity, hostility, and worse. For these, in the words of Carl Jung, “The experience that furnishes the material for artistic…

Reincarnation as an Element in Visionary Fiction: Part 2

Reincarnation as an Element in Visionary Fiction: Part 2

The stranglehold that Justinian’s Council of Constantinople placed on the concept of reincarnation and the Gnostic approach to truth through personal experience held fast for about a millennium. But there’s an odd thing about truth, especially those dealing with fundamental principles. It is resilient; it keeps coming back until it is recognized as valid. And so it happened with the doctrine of reincarnation.