Month: August 2014

#Art Saved My Life

#Art Saved My Life

“Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths….Myth must be kept alive. The people who can keep it alive are the artists of one kind or another.” – Joseph Campbell #Art saved my life   #Art healed my heart    #Art healed my soul The hashtags are coming in from around the country, flooding social…

Synchronicity, Meaningful Coincidences

Synchronicity, Meaningful Coincidences

Before I became a serious writer, my powers of observation made me about as Sherlock Holmes-like as an open secret or plastic glasses. In other words, I was a perfect antonym for the famous detective, who took such pains to notice subtle cues and details in the people and situations around him. I didn’t need blinders. Mine were built…

Therapeutic Benefits of Visionary Fiction – Examination – Part 3

Therapeutic Benefits of Visionary Fiction – Examination – Part 3

This is part 3 of the Visionary Fiction as Personal Therapy Series, which was inspired after I learned about bibliotherapy in my psychology classes.  It led me to discover an article by Debbie McCullis in the February, 2014 issue of the Journal of Poetry Therapy.  McGullis listed  a four step process used in bibliotherapy, which…

Personality Type for Writers: What Writers Must Know

Personality Type for Writers: What Writers Must Know

Personality type may seem an abstract and unnecessary thing for writers to be concerned about. Shouldn’t we be polishing our prose with our writing groups and editors, instead of worrying about our psychological types?

No. Personality type is something writers must know, in addition to how to construct a killer novel and get it sold. Why?